Geez, has it really been nearly a month?
In a tomboy's life, shoes are frequently taken for granted, but soooooo important. How am I supposed to walk, run, jump over tall buildings (single bound!) without proper footwear?? Above, you see the shoes that are on my feet 99% of the time, when I'm out.
The shoes on the left (black mules) are Clarks - not cheap, but not expensive either. They look great with slacks or skirts when I need to look like a grown-up. Not much of a heel, but enough to not look, ummmm .... "old lady-ish." I wear these about 0.1 % of the time.
The ones on the right (brown Merrells) are by far my most comfy shoes, and I can climb ropes, walk, or day hike in them (well, summer day hikes, boots for winter hikes). These are also not inexpensive, but totally worth it. I wear these 98.9 percent of the time.
I need new Merrells every six months or so. I need new Clarks ... well, so far, NOT. They get wiped down if they get dusty or mussed.
And for the record, the other 1% of the time is split between: hiking boots, tevas, and jazz sneakers, cuz this girl gotta dance sometimes!
Target those tomboy dollars on your footwear. Choose carefully, and you don't need that many pairs of shoes. Really. Truly. Sure, the Merrells cost more than a cut-rate sneaker, but my feet thank me. And life is too short to wear uncomfortable shoes. Cost per wearing is probably less than 50 cents a day. Uncomfortable shoes, on sale, might be 20 bucks and look great with a dress that you wear ONCE to your cousins' wedding. You know how many times I'd wear those 20 dollar shoes? ONCE. That makes them 20 dollars per day!
Think about it.