Jeans! so comfy, so useful. So easy to trash "your favorite pair" with grass stains, falls onto gravel/lava/coral, snags from navigating barbed wire, etc. So many tomboy things are hard on clothes! It amuses me that someone asks me how to preserve a good pair of jeans. I've made a lot of errors in judgement with what should have lasted a long time.
BTW, never wear white jeans around that darned red clay in Hawaii - do NOT ask me how I know this.
So here's the deal: you need to dedicate clothing for specific activities like bushwhacking up the mountain, walking across hot coals, horseback riding, roping sheep/goats/cattle, birthing foals/calves/lambs/whatever-baby-goats-are-called, etc. These jeans (and other clothing) can and SHOULD get pretty trashed. It's okay. You should absolutely launder these things - hopefully, the smell comes out - but the stains and snags are a PLUS. They have "street cred." These articles of clothing can and should include shirts, jeans/pants, socks, shoes, jackets, and even in some cases, heavy leather gloves.
For example, I use the heavy leather gloves to take to my cat to the vet, because I NEED THEM FOR THAT. (ROWR)
IF you find that your favorite workhorse pair of jeans is comfy and you want it for "formal tomboy wear" (going out with friends to a restaurant or something relatively civilized) - GET A SECOND PAIR. If you don't think you can remember which pair is which, get a sharpee pen and write "good jeans" in the waistband of the good pair, and "beat up jeans" in the other pair. Or something like that.
NEVER wear your good stuff for the activities that you even remotely THINK might be hard on them. Trust me. Some things can't really be fixed. Not even with bleach and a paid seamstress.
Happy weekend - go out and enjoy! Remember: skin heals. Clothing does not.
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